Why high school extracurricular activities matter

When meeting with high school students and their families, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether they should be participating in extracurricular activities, and if so, what should they be doing? This week we will be answering these questions.

First up, YES, high school students should absolutely be participating in extracurricular activities. Here are some compelling reasons why:

1.     Skill Development: Extracurricular activities allow students to explore and develop new skills outside of the classroom setting. Whether it’s playing a sport, participating in a club, playing an instrument, or engaging in community service, these activities provide opportunities to gain skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication.

2.     Academic Improvement: Research shows that students who participate in extracurricular activities perform better academically. Involvement in activities can improve time management skills, discipline, and focus, which can positively impact their ability to balance schoolwork and other commitments. Additionally, some extracurriculars, like academic clubs or science fairs, fostering a deeper understanding of subjects.

3.     Post-Secondary Applications: Universities and colleges value well-rounded applicants who demonstrate a range of interests, passions, and achievements beyond academics. Participation in extracurricular activities can help students stand out and showcase their dedication and leadership potential.

4.     Social and Emotional Development: Extracurriculars provide opportunities for students to build meaningful relationships, make new friends, and develop social skills. Working together with peers toward a common goal fosters teamwork, cooperation, and empathy. 

5.     Exploration and Passion Discovery: High school is a time of self-discovery, and extracurricular activities offer a chance to explore various interests. Students can try different activities to discover their passions, talents, and potential career paths. Extracurriculars can help students gain exposure to different fields and make more informed decisions about their future. 

So, what kinds of extracurricular activities should high school students get involved in? Stay tuned as we answer that question in an upcoming post.


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